Experience to Educate to Career Success path in images

Making Connections
for a Stronger Tomorrow

What would you say to a program that could help students determine their future career through experiences and interactions?  What if it also allowed schools to be better positioned to help guide student’s future academic choices? What if that same program provided businesses and industries with a chance to highlight careers that best align with their future growth and needs?  We call that program a win-win-win for everyone, and that’s exactly what MCIU Career Connections is all about! 

  • Students want to learn about potential careers that are not only of interest to them, but for which the future will hold good employment opportunities
  • Schools want to align those students with the proper academic training and pathway to achieve those career dreams
  • Businesses and Organizations want to have a skilled workforce and well-educated leaders to fill the job positions they foresee having as they grow and expand

The ultimate culmination of this program is to have young people focused on careers they will love, and that are in areas of industry growth that offer a good job market to them upon the completion of their studies.

We encourage you to click on the links below to examine this program and all of the amazing experiences available as well as all of the businesses and schools participating!


Click Here to See if Your School is Participating
Businesses Text Link
Click Here to Explore Experiences